Mulch Your Landscape

Well, in case you didn’t know it, the matter of the fact is that your garden, your plants, and specifically your garden’s soil that everything grows upon need protecting. Mulching will be a perfect way of providing such a natural and harmless, chemicals-free kind of protection. So, first thing’s first…

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Plant Perennials

Yeah, getting your garden full of these ever-blooming trees or plants may enhance its look tremendously! Our piece of advice on that will be to firstly pick those perennials that are best adapted to your USDA Zone; you can find Zone information on the plant tag. To save money, you can buy small perennials.

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Mow with an Electric or Manual Mower

Well, in case you’re missing the point of why exactly we’re pointing those two most common lawn-mowing options out to you all, this most likely means that you’ve never used a gas-powered mower. This also might mean, that you might not be aware of just how pollutive the gas-powered mowing can be for the environment!

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Plant Natives

As obvious, as it may sound, planting those plants that are native to your particular USDA region or those that are most capable of adapting to your climate conditions is a smart thing to do. Meaning that though hand-picking those plants may be a little bit more time-consuming than you’re used to, the…

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Protect your bulbs

So, if you’re planting fllowers in your garden, there’s an additional thing or two that you might want to know about protecting the bulbs. This can ring especially true bell when we’re talking about either insects, birds or rodents who are known for partying in your garden, eating thise flower bulbs up…

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Blemish-free roses

Well, for those of you who’ve never been busy with planting (or caring) for flowers, namely the roses – here’s a small listicle of tips, dos and do-nots. First of all, be sure to keep your efforts on both the flower’s pruning and the factor of keeping the center of the flower open to the sun at all times and at all…

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